The Denville Public Library encourages children of all ages to visit the Library and hopes that they will find it a warm, inviting place to be. However, the well-being and security of young children left unattended is a serious concern.
We urge parents to remember that the Library is a public building, and it is not in the child’s best interest to be left without parental or responsible caregiver supervision. Library staff cannot assume responsibility for the care or supervision of children using the Library outside of scheduled Library programs.
If problems arise while children are using the Library or if they are left alone for extended periods of time, the Library staff may attempt to contact the parents/caregivers. If the Library staff is unable to reach the parents/caregivers, the Denville Police Department will be called. Notwithstanding contact with parent/caregiver, the Denville Police Department may be called.
A responsible adult or caregiver over the age of 14 must remain with all children under the age of 10 while they are using the Library. Children under 10 may not be left unattended in the building. Children 8 – 10 may attend Library programs without a parent or caregiver; however the parent or caregiver must remain inside the Library during the program. Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by a parent or responsible caregiver while attending Library programs or while otherwise using the Library.