Patrons and staff of the Denville Public Library have the right to enjoy an environment free from bullying, harassment, and lewd conduct. The Library will not tolerate any act of bullying or harassment by or against any staff member, volunteer, patron or visitor of/to the Library, or any other person, on Library premises, or at or during any on site or off site Library activity. The Library also will not tolerate any lewd behavior in the Library or at or during any Library activity.
For purposes of this Section, and throughout all Library policies, the following definitions shall apply:
“Bullying” shall be defined as any intentional conduct, including any act or threat of harassment, and/or coercion, hate speech (as defined by federal and/or state law), personal attacks, insults, and other threatening language, including statements made in jest, which is sufficiently severe, offensive, or intimidating to cause an individual reasonably to fear for his/her personal safety or the safety of his/her family, friends, and/or property, or to cause any person emotional distress, such that employment or other conditions are altered, or a hostile, abusive, or intimidating environment is created for one or more persons. Bullying also includes threat or act of violence that affects the interests of the Library, or which may or does lead to an incident of violence on Library premises, or while performing work on the Library’s behalf, or while attending any Library activity. Bullying may occur inside the Library, outside on Library property, or at any on site or off site Library activity. Where the bullying involves, or where the basis of the bullying is, any Protected Status, the bullying also shall constitute harassment in violation of the Library’s policy on Nondiscrimination.
“Library activity” shall be defined as any service, program, activity or event in which the Library is involved, or any Library employee or representative is involved on the Library’s behalf, occurring either in the Library, on Library property, or at any off-site location.
“Protected Status” shall mean race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, pregnancy or breastfeeding, sex, gender identity or expression, affectional or sexual orientation, disability, liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States, nationality, or any other characteristic protected by law.
“Lewd behavior” shall include offensive language, full or partial nudity, and excessive personal displays of affection.
Any person who believes that he/she is or has been the victim of bullying or harassment, and any supervisor, employee, patron, or other person, who observes or is made aware of bullying or harassment, or lewd behavior occurring anywhere within the Library or by or to anyone associated with the Library, or during any Library activity, immediately should contact the Director or, in the absence of the Director, the senior staff member in charge at that time. The complainant will be asked to provide specific details, facts, documents, recordings, witnesses and other evidence, and will be asked to sign a written statement, although complaints may be investigated without a signed, written statement. All complaints will be investigated depending on the information provided, however, the Director or senior staff member in charge staff is authorized to take immediate action, such as requesting or directing the offending party to leave the Library or Library activity or calling the police, where appropriate based on the immediate circumstances.
Violations of this policy will result in appropriate action, depending on the seriousness of the acts, the impact on the victim, and the prior history of the violator. Those who engage in minor acts will be given a warning for a first offense and then asked to leave. Serious acts of bullying, harassment, and/or lewd behavior, and acts involving minors will be reported to the Denville Police Department. All violations of this policy will be reported to the Library Director. Any person who commits repeated and/or any serious violation(s) of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary and other responsive action, including removal from the Library, suspension, limitation or loss of Library privileges, and other appropriate action, which may be immediate or following an investigation. Any act constituting a violation of the law will be referred to law enforcement and may result in arrest and prosecution by law enforcement officials.